AOC Education Series |
In January 2005,
fifty-five students from various Universities throughout Canada participated in
a stream and habitat restoration class that visited Eighteenmile Creek's Area of
Concern. The class was led by Dave Derrick of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's
Research and Development Center (USACE ERDC) and Paul Fuhrman of Ecology and
Environment (E&E). While visiting the creek, the students were able to
gain first hand knowledge of the activities that were completed under the
Eighteenmile Creek Streambank Stabilization and Habitat Restoration Project.
Dave Derrick informed the students that the project activities included removing
debris from the area, improving the existing hiking trail, stabilizing eroded
stream banks, improving habitat for fish, reducing pollution and planting
vegetation in needed areas. Paul Fuhrman explained why adequate habitat is so
important to fish species present in this portion of the creek. He also
described how the project attempted to mimic existing habitat conditions already
present in the project area. Both gentlemen also touched upon specific habitat
restoration efforts that were completed as part of the project. Although not
visible, fish lunkers were pointed out as an important aspect of the restoration
In December 2005,
the Area of Concern was the location of an outdoor classroom for a group of
students from Buffalo State College (BSC). USACE staff, NYS DEC staff, BSC
professors and the principal investigator were on hand, along with a group of 30
students enrolled in a watershed analysis class. A tour of the AOC and
corresponding lectures by those present educated the group about the history of
the Area of Concern and the accomplishments that have been achieved thus far,
specifically the 2004 habitat restoration project.
In August 2006, the
AOC was the location of an Army Corps of Engineers led tour for individuals
attending the 2005 Soil & Water Conference held in Rochester, NY. The tour
educated the group of 20 about the history of the AOC and the accomplishments
that have been achieved thus far, specifically the 2004 habitat restoration
project and various contaminant track down projects underway throughout the
On August 22, 2007,
sixty U.S. Army Corps of Engineers environmental regulators
from around the country visited the Eighteenmile Creek AOC. A tour of the
restoration work that has been completed in the AOC was given as well as a
review of habitat restoration planning, permitting, regulatory compliance,
conceptual design, design and construction constraints, planting plan, and
innovative bioengineering features as they all applied to Eighteenmile Creek
completed projects.
On October 27,
2008, AOC staff led a field trip of the Eighteenmile Creek AOC for a class of
graduate students from the University at Buffalo (UB). Twenty six students were
on hand to experience the AOC up close and learn about the issues relative to
Eighteenmile Creek. Since
2008, these educational field trips are held every year in the Fall for the UB
classes, and public field trips. If you are interested in participating or wish
to have a personal tour of the AOC, please email

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