Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern (AOC)

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AOC "Clean Sweep"

Every Fall Eighteenmile Creek stakeholders join forces with the American Littoral Society (ALS) New York State Beach Cleanup Program to complete an Area of Concern (AOC) "Clean Sweep." For the past 22 years, the American Littoral Society has been an essential link in the International Coastal Cleanup, an environmental phenomena all its own, removing and documenting the trash one finds along the shores of the world. One of the goals of the American Littoral Society beach cleanup program is to activate a growing number of participants, as well as to document and clean additional sites each year.

Since the fall of 2007, Eighteenmile Creek watershed stakeholders and residents have answered the call. Over 2,000 pounds of trash was collected from within the AOC. Some rare finds include a microwave door, an air tank, and various car parts.

If you would like to participate, or have any questions please contact Scott at 716-434-4949 x6258.

Please make sure you contact Scott before arriving! It is important everyone knows the most current and updated information.


American Littoral Society




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