Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern (AOC)

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The Lockport GREEN program serves to improve the quality of service-learning/action civics programs in schools and offer training, support, and coordination to community-based organizations, local governmental agencies, businesses, and other organizations that should have a role in engaging youth in civic action.

Students use their study of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to investigate watershed problems. Students, teachers, and General Motors mentors will have a deeper understanding of scientific issues, expand their civic skills, and be more likely to act as community problem solvers as a result of participating.

In 2014 and 2015 students from Niagara Orleans BOCES, Lockport High School and Newfane High School sample local creeks for Fecal Coliform, Nitrate, Phosphate, Turbidity, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen. A water Quality Index was calculated using all the information they collected, telling the students the health of the stream and surrounding environment. In the spring the students design and implement their own watershed action project. Some previous projects include:

  • Installation of fishing line recycling tubes at Fisherman's Park and Olcott

  • Creating rain barrells to be distributed to the public

  • Here is a link to the rain barrel guide!

  • Investigating water quality issues in Lockport, NY

  • Planting trees and creating a perennial garden in the Olcott harbor and Fisherman's Park

  • Installation of wildlife interpretive signs at Gulf Wilderness Park

Our goal is to get school districts in Niagara County involved in the GREEN Program. If you know a school teacher who would like to get their class involved, call or email:

 Scott Collins

 (716) 434-4949 Ext. 6258


Earth Force



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