Newfane Environmental Fair |
Since the summer of 2004, the
Newfane Intermediate Environmental Fair has commenced at Fisherman’s Park in
Burt, New York. Approximately 150 students, teachers and parents from the
Newfane Intermediate School participate in this annual event. Students are
broken down into small groups and rotated through a series of learning stations
located around Fisherman’s Park and along Eighteenmile Creek. Each learning
station provides the students with information on such topics as conservation
facts, wildlife rehabilitation, water quality protection, tree and shrub
planting and restoration of Eighteenmile Creek.
2016 Newfane Environmental Fair was very successful. Thank you to all of the
presenters, school faculty and students for making this year possible!
If you are
interested in getting your class involved or interested in teaching a station,
call or email:
Scott Collins
(716) 434-4949
Ext. 6258
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