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City of Lockport Sewer System-PCB Trackdown Project NYS DEC Division of Water October 2001
Enhanced Toxics Monitoring from Final Chlorinated Wastewater Effluents and Surface Waters Using the Trace Organics Platform Sampler NYS DEC Division of Water August 1997
Trackdown of Chemical Contaminants to Lake Ontario from NYS Tributaries NYS DEC Division of Water 2000-2004
Field Data Report- Lake Ontario Tributaries U.S.E.P.A. September 1990
             The 2001 Genesee River Basin Waterbody Inventory and Priority Waterbodies List NYS DEC Division of Water March 2003
The 2002 Niagara River/Lake Erie Basin Waterbody Inventory and Priority Waterbodies List NYS DEC Division of Water September 2005
Ambient Water Quality Standards and Guidance Values NYS DEC Division of Water June 1998
Excerpts from CSO Characterization and Monitoring Report in Lockport, NY Clough Harbour & Associates October 2006
Stormwater Mgmt Guidance Manual for Local Officials NYS DEC 2004
NYS 2006 Section 303(d) List of Impaired Water Requiring a TMDL (Draft) NYS DEC February 2006
Eighteenmile Creek Watershed-The Location of Sources of Pollution, Part of the Lake Ontario Watershed, Niagara County NY SUNY Brockport January 2010
Field Data Report: Lake Ontario Tributaries 2009-2010 U.S.E.P.A. 2009-2010
Characterization and Prioritization of the Watersheds of Niagara County, New York SUNY Brockport & Niagara County SWCD June 2008
Field Data Report: Lake Ontario Tributaries 2002-2004 U.S.E.P.A. 2002-2004
Descriptive Data of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in New York State NYS DEC Division of Water December 1999
Field Data Report: Lake Ontario Tributaries 2005-2006 U.S.E.P.A. January 2008
2011 Eighteenmile Creek Watershed Bacteria Study Niagara County Department of Health 2011
Olcott Beach Sanitary Survey Report Niagara County Department of Health November 2015
Bioaccumulative Contaminants in Lake Ontario Surface Water, 1999 U.S.E.P.A. October 2005